#46 Katie M --- "Tough choice of which book to save! But I think I’d grab the signed copy of The Girl and the Moon."
#45 Dominik Z. --- "I would probably save The Silmarillion first. Got it last Christmas from my brother who bought it with his first salary in his new job."
#44 David B --- "I would be saving all my Clive Barker books, especially my omnibus books of blood."
#43 Kane O
#42 Sarah B --- "I would save "The Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson. Not expensive or rare, but the book that opened the world of fantasy for me."
#41 Vonna W --- "gotta be the first book I found difficult to get a copy of"
#40 Nicholas P --- "I would save my copy of Ross Gay's volume of poetry Bringing the Shovel Down."
#39 Ashley S --- "I went with my leather bound copy of Nevernight because it’s the most money I’ve ever spent on a book"
#38 Jason S --- "Just one?!? This guy has been read and loaned and dropped so often that I’ve started learning leather book binding so it can go live with my kids!"
#37 Donna C --- "Hmmmm…. Which one would I choose? “Pruning and training” has very useful gardening info and illustrations! Versus Girl and the Moon!"
#36 John Z --- "This is me burning to death as I try to decide which book to save. Ultimately I grabbed the red queens war omnibus but probably too late to escape with the book or my life. "
#35 Matt W --- "Convinced this book is from some twisted future where we are all rabbits. Our collective future depends on saving this masterpiece."
#34 Kenneth B
#33 Daniel M --- "if I was to grab 1 from the fire it would have to be Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin"
#32 Mark B --- "The Neverending Story. My journey into fantasy started right here. I took the adventure with Bastian and Atreyu fought the Nothing.. I can’t let Fantasia get in trouble & burn considering I just saved it. Better bridle up Artax."
#31 Krisztian --- "“The Nightingale Trilogy” from Brent Weeks in hungarian language. Have it since my childhood"
#30 Melissande M --- "Robin Hobb's illustrated 25 year Anniversary edition of 'Assassin's Apprentice'. So in love with this beautiful rendition!"
#29 Elizabeth D --- "Had this baby longer than my husband"
#28 Christine G-D --- "has seen much hardship and tape but there is no other book that deserves life more then this one in my care"
#27 Lisa G-M --- "Still looks like new."
#26 Alan B --- "My absolute precious"
#25 Joe H
#24 Simon M --- "Favourite book from my late teens; upgraded to this signed edition years later and absolutely love it"
#23 Alexe P --- "I’d be reaching for this doorstop. The Castings trilogy has to be one of my all time favourites"
#22 William J --- "This copy of The Hobbit I have because I met the illustrator and he signed it"
#21 Megan H-V --- "My Hogwarts Library editions of HP"
#20 Red W --- "This or the Red Queens War Omni. Hopefully both."
#19 Kyle H --- "my kid in one arm and the omnibus in the other and all the encouragement I can muster for my wife as I scramble out the door"
#18 Jo K
#17 Thomas B --- "Bloody love this book"
#16 Ken U-S --- "
The fire won't touch this on my kindle, I will simply slip between realities."
#15 Amiee W
#14 Andrew C --- "My copy of Gene Wolfe’s Bibliomen - hand made and lovely"
#13 Tyrell H --- "My Eastern Press edition of Storm Front by Jim Butcher"
#12 Paul H --- "extremely rare test copy (only unnumbered) of Whispers, by Stephen King."
#11 Vickie G --- "
My entry
only 1% of player's can spot the cat"
#10 Sheree L --- "this one is irreplaceable"
#9 Kevin G --- "
No books were harmed in the making of this image!!!"
#8 Christoffer L --- "
This one is signed, one of the few in my collection!" *note the fire extinguisher
#7 Lara R --- "
I'd have to save this one...it helped me come back to books when I had a Burnout some years back"
#5 Marxus W --- "
I’ve had it since I was 12 years old. Found it outside my high school."
#4 Jason T --- "
I haven’t stopped reading since the day I picked up that book."
#3 Meaghan R --- "
I have to save my Broken Binding edition"
#2 Ivan B -- "The book I would definitely save from a fire on my shelves, got to be the signed numbered I corrected proof of Milan Kundera Immortality."
#1 Tammy D. -- Feels like a 2 for 1!
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