If you're just here for the silly photos of authors, scroll down!
I *still* have some signed Prince of Fools paperbacks to dispense! And at least one proof copy of Prince of Thorns.
I will send you (internationally, but not off-planet) a signed copy if you:
a) Send me a photograph of any author looking foolish
- you can steal one off the internet
- ask a friendly author to pose for you (here's my "no!" in advance, try Snorri Kristjansson)
- or get a ladder and ... actually, no, there's just two ways
b) failing that, a photo of you or a loved one next to a free-standing pile of books that is taller than they are (here it helps to have young children).
c) are lucky enough to win.
I will send a book to the person who sends the best foolish photo. Another to the person who builds the tallest tower. And three more at random to anyone with a qualifying photo or tower.
All entries will be posted here. Send them to me at empire_of_thorns@yahoo.co.uk
The contest is closed.
Best foolish photo:
#56 Peter Newman, Author of The Vagrant - from Anderson
Scores points because it wasn't posed - just an unfortunate moment for Peter (actually a handsome chap)

Highest book-tower
Three random winners
Best foolish photo:
#56 Peter Newman, Author of The Vagrant - from Anderson
Scores points because it wasn't posed - just an unfortunate moment for Peter (actually a handsome chap)

Highest book-tower
#69 Book Tower! Taking it outside, at 9'5" - from Jazz
A sterling effort with novel (geddit) stacking technique. I've tried this - it's hard!
#16 Angela Darling, Author of Fallen - from Erick
#18 George RR Martin, posing as Daenerys - from Daniela
Other entries
#74 Mary Robinette Kowal, Author of Shades of Milk and Honey, from - TJ
#73 Neil Gaiman again - from Sneha who also wanted you to see her book tower...
#72 Terry Brooks, Author of The Sword of Shanara - from Hilary who didn't think it a foolish photo but wanted Mr B on the list!
#71 John Green again! - from Nostalgia
#70 Book Tower! 7'3" - from Chris
#68 Pat Rothfuss - most popular choice for foolish author photos - from Hanin
#67 Robert E Howard, Author of Conan, showing there were geeks back in the roaring 30s - from Jacob
#66 Brent Weeks again - from Joel
#65 Some guy I don't recognise - from Mia
#64 Joe Abercrombie, Author of the First Law trilogy - from Radi
#63 Book Tower - from Rhea (& Sean). Rhea reckons it's a thousand million feet tall.
#61 Book Tower - from Milena (she's 1.65m)
#60 Author John Green - from Chane
#59 Book Tower! 8'7" - from Mark
#58 Brandon Sanderson again! - from John
#57 John Green, Author of The Fault In Our Stars - from Harveen
#56 Peter Newman, Author of The Vagrant - from Anderson
#55 Book Tower - from Daire (who is 182cm / 5'11")
#54 Myke Cole, Sam Sykes (in owl suit), Peter V Brett - from Michael
#53 GRRM, from Rob
#52 Authors Maureen Johnson, John Scalzi, and Bill Barnes - from Josh
#51 Book Tower! - from Sonja (who stands 165cm)
#50 William Golding, Author of Lord of the Flies - from Sara
#49 Jim Butcher, signing during a break from his day job at Burger King - from Michael
#48 John Scalzi - from Michael
#47 King George! - from Anastasia
#46 Ninmue Brown, Author of Hopeless, Maine - from Tom Brown (illustrator of Hopeless, Maine)
#45 Christopher Paolini, Author of Eragon - from Stefani
#44 Sir Terry - from Shea
#43 Stephen King with another animal friend - from Bill
#42 John Gwynne, Author of Malice, preparing for Wimbledon - from Kennedy
#41 Joe Abercrombie, Author of First Law, playing the drums on his belly at the Grim Gathering II while Peter Newman talks to the crowd - from Antony
#40 Book tower! Showing that buying slip-cased special editions really pays off! - from Karl
#39 The ubiquitous Rothfuss - from Steve
#38 Chelsea Cain (& victim), Author of Heartsick - from Kathleen
#37 Book Tower, with Coen for scale at 1.82m or 5'11"
#36 Myke Cole, Author of Control Point, posing as a friar ... for some ... reason - from Jenny
#35 Patrick Rothfuss, challenged by Jeff to push his stomach out as far as possible!
#34 Brent Weeks, Author of The Night Angel trilogy - from Ryan
#33 Sir Terry Pratchett, Quack! - from FMC
#32 Ray Bradbury, Author of Farenheit 451 - from Francisco
#31 Brandon Sanderson again, with his sword, again ... he likes that sword! - from Paul
#30 Book-tower! Click HERE for the construction and collapse sequence! - from Erik
#29 Brandon Sanderson, Author of Mistborn - from Hrishikesh
#28 Book-throne! -from Minett
#27 Jim Butcher, Author of The Dresden Files, preparing to release the hounds of war - from Mindi
#26 Stephen King - from Mindi
#25 Mary's Angels - various authors - from Rob
#24 Stephen King, Author of ... well ... stuff - from Michael
#23 Kevin Hearne, Author of Hounded - from Joshua
#22 Neil Gaiman, Author of American Gods, with a new hairdo - from Kass
#21 Mark Twain, looking surprisingly buff for someone from olden times... - from Jason
#20 Patrick Rothfuss, officially the most foologenic author - from Kevan
#19 Nick Offerman, Author of Paddle Your Own Canoe (I'm reliably informed that if you're used to seeing him with his trademark moustache then this is a foolish photo) - from Matthew
#17 Peter V Brett (V stands for Veryflexible), Author of The Warded Man - from Jude
#15 Sammie J, Author of Rock the Viper - from her husband, Anthony
#14 St Patrick's 3rd showing, this time blessing a child - from Marc
#13 Ben Galley, Author of The Written - from Robert
#12 John Scalzi, Author of Old Man's War - from Ben
#11 EL James, Author of 50 Shades of Money - from Pavle
#10 Pat Rothfuss again ... are we starting to see a pattern? - from Carrie
#9 Book Tower - from Nick (& little sister) - innovative bridging technique!
#8 George RR Martin - from Nadjad
#7 Brian Jaques, Author of the Red Wall books - from Leslie (who didn't take the shot but has met him)
#6 - from Sadir, he says he's sorry, but he's not!
#5 Book Tower - I'm not convinced it's free standing ... but there are some good books at the top - from Megathura
#4 Grim Gathering I (blurring caused by laughing at my introduction of Joe Abercrombie) - from Sue
#3 Donald Trump, Author of ... whatever... - from Dustin
#2 Pat Rothfuss, Author of The Name of the Wind - from Ben
#1 Pierce Brown, Author of Red Rising - from Charlie
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