Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Finalists for the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off

The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (#SPFBO) began in March and you can read all about it here.

Phase 1 is due to end on September 1st, by which time each blogger will have selected the single book they have most faith in (as if they were literary agents) from their initial pile of 26 (or 27).

In Phase 2 over the course of 6 more months each blogger will read the finalists and rate each out of ten. The book with the highest score wins and all ten bloggers/blog sites will post a review of it.

I will announce the finalists on this page as and when they're selected.

The first to announce their champion was Tyson from The Speculative Book Review.

1. A Soul For Trouble by Crista McHugh - reviewed on The Speculative Book Review.

Second was Ria from Bibliotropic.

2. City of Burning Shadows by Barbara J. Webb - reviewed on Bibliotropic.

Third was from the guys at the Fantasy Book Review

3. What Remains of Heroes by David Benem - reviewed on the Fantasy Book Review.

Fourth to be chosen came from Bob Milne at Beauty in Ruins

4. Shattered Sands by William G Saraband (book link to come) - reviewed on Beauty in Ruins.

Fifth to call their choice was Mihir Wanchoo on Fantasy Book Critic

5. Under a Colder Sun by Greg James - reviewed on Fantasy Book Critic.

Sixth to call was Sarah Chorn from Bookworm Blues

6. Bloodrush by Ben Galley - reviewed on Bookworm Blues.

Seventh came Lynn Williams from Lynn's Books

7. The Weight of a Crown by Tavish Kaeden - reviewed on Lynn's Books.

Eighth to come in were Elitist Book Reviews

8. The Thief Who Pulled On Trouble's Braids by Michael McClung - reviewed on EBR.

Ninth in were Fantasy-Faction

9. Priest by Matthew Colville - reviewed on Fantasy-Faction.

And lastly, Milo at The Fictional Hangout

10. Sins of a Sovereignity by Plague Jack - reviewed on the Fictional Hangout.


  1. Geez, no pressure, guys. September is still a whole summer vacation away. LOL

  2. Congratulations to the winner. This has been an interesting process to follow, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  3. Sounds good to me. And hey, look! It's free on Amazon right now!

  4. Congratulations folks! It's all hotting up.

  5. Have there been no more winners chosen? Plus did FBC review their winner?
