Wednesday 10 April 2024


The Book That Broke The World is out in ... the world.

It's my 17th published novel. A chain of books that stretches back to Prince of Thorns.

Please go buy a copy!

It's very helpful to authors if readers buy their books early, and then read them, and then (hopefully having enjoyed the book)

i) talk about it

ii) throw stars at it on places like Amazon and Goodreads

iii) review it

If you do any of these three, I'll be even more grateful than I already was for your purchase.

If you want a signed copy then you can get a UK edition from Forbidden Planet.

You can get a US edition from The Signed Page which comes with an art card signed by me and artist Tom Roberts.

You can get a bookplate-signed US edition from VJ Books.

And to conclude, have some photos of The Locked Library special edition!

Join my Patreon.


  1. Congrats! Enjoyed the book, as well as the 16 others. Posted some thoughts on reddit r/marklawrence (spoilers tho).

    Hard to say much else without spoilers so I'll leave you with a generic very much looking forward to the third book (Or whatever short stories appear suddenly before then)

  2. Yay! Congrats! Thank you so much for your work. I can`t remember being so engaged with a romantic arc for a long, long time now!
