Tuesday 4 June 2024

Cymera Festival 2024

I went to a fantasy book convention!

I was interviewed. And then again on stage - an actual stage with lights and backdrops and everything!

The Cymera Festival's in the heart of Edinburgh - a wonderful little city - and I had a great time. Hopefully, I'll go next year too.

Here are some photos to inspire you to turn up.

First, a shot from Armchair Books - the best secondhand bookshop I've seen! Easy walking distance from the festival site. Sadly, none of my books there - or I'd have signed them.

I signed books in the Waterstones on Princess Street.

In Blackwells they actually had my book in the window - something I've only ever seen once before (Prince of Thorns, back in 2011!)

I signed a ton of books for them - a great shop. Go grab some of them!

I did an interview with Marco from Page One Pod Cast on the Saturday in the smaller venue.

And on the Sunday it was an interview where author (& SPFBO champion) Justin Lee Anderson interviewed me and debut author Gareth Brown (his novel The Book of Doors is doing brilliantly).

And afterwards we signed books for all takers - it was great to meet so many reader. I guess my stay-at-home-iness has led to a backlog of my books out there waiting to be signed!

So yes, had a great time. Might see you there next year!

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