Some book bloggers can devour four books a week. I struggle to read a book a month, and this year I've reverted to that average from last year's bonanza.
Since my post this time last year I've managed to read 12 books (I'm choosing my 13th).
As is my wont I have reviewed all of these books on Goodreads and you can reach those reviews by clicking on the titles below the covers. The main list is chronological order of reading.
Some great reads this year but of all of these I have to say Master Assassins was my best read, a really excellent book that you must try when it's published in March 2018. Priest of Bones and A Time of Dread were very good books, exciting page-turners, that are also both due for 2018 publication. I had three fine reads courtesy of the SPFBO contest, year 1 winner The Thief Who Pulled On Trouble's Braids, year 2 winner The Grey Bastards, and year 2 runner up Path of Flames. And of course Assassin's Fate was a great and emotional novel capping off a story that has occupied Robin Hobb for two decades.
I enjoyed all of the books listed below, though Wild Cards, being a themed short story anthology was a mixed bag. A bag that I will be entering, since GRRM invited me to contribute to the most recent and upcoming Knaves Over Queens which is something like #30 in the long-running shared world superhero series (out in 2018).
Danse Macabre was the best novella I read all year. I only read one though. But it was very good.
I also read my first Brandon Sanderson book!
(in the order I read them, most recent at the top)

Master Assassins - Robert Reddick

Priest of Bones - Peter McLean

The Thief Who Pulled On Trouble's Braids - Michael McClung

A Time of Dread - John Gwynne

The Court of Broken Knives - Anna Spark Smith

Wild Cards - edited by George RR Martin

Assassin's Fate - Robin Hobb

The Grey Bastards - Jonathan French

The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson

Medusa's Daughter - T.O Munro

Oh, so you finally appreciated Robert Redick. Good to hear!