Thursday 12 August 2021

Finalists for the 7th SPFBO

 300 contestants have been narrowed to 10 finalists.

Finalists for SPFBO 7

The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off finalists are listed and scored on this page.

Check out the winner announcement.

The process of selection is documented here.

** = top score blogger awarded

& here they all are "in the flesh", collected and photographed by Kerstin Espinosa Rosero.

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Sunday 1 August 2021

Prince of Thorns is TEN today!

 Prince of Thorns has been on the shelves for a decade!

The UK paperback is in its 25th printing.

I'll take the chance to say thanks - thank you to my readers (and my publishers) for letting me spend the past ten years writing stories, and more than that - living in them. It's been an unexpected privilege.

Check out the 9th8th7th6th5th4th3rd2nd, and 1st birthday round-ups. 

I now have 15 books on the shelves!

The most recent addition was The Girl And The Mountain, in April.

Being a numbers guy as well as a words guy I like to keep track of things and record them for when I'm doddery and old, looking back at my 'glory' days.

On Goodreads Prince of Thorns has passed 100,000 ratings!

I have been very neglectful of the blog of late, and it's shown in plateauing traffic, but still ~30,000 hits a month isn't too shabby and this year it cruised past 3.5 million hits in total.

And my quest to conquer Twitter crawls on...

Well, that's my annual stock-take. Over & out, until next year.