Friday 31 May 2019

Signed and numbered edition for One Word Kill & Limited Wish

Get it while it's hot!

Signed and numbered and going fast.

You only have to try to get hold of a hardback copy of Red Sister to see what can happen to prices once they sell out. And these are signed & numbered!

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Thursday 30 May 2019

The first reveal of internal art for The Red Queen's War omnibus!

Here's one of Jason Chan's pieces of internal art for The Red Queen's War special edition omnibus!

Jalan doing what Jalan does best! Jason Chan was the cover artist for the Broken Empire and Red Queen's War trilogies, and is doing ten (I think) scenes from the books as internal art for the omnibus.

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Tuesday 28 May 2019

Limited Wish is out today!

One Word Kill officially came out on May 1st, and here we are on the 28th with the release of book 2. Limited Wish!

One Word Kill is my fastest selling book, ever! So that's something. And readers are saying Limited Wish is even better.

Get a copy ASAP!

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Monday 27 May 2019

Czech my covers!

Here are the covers for my books published in the Czech Republic. The most recent addition being the cover for Red Sister.

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Saturday 25 May 2019

Have cat will market!

Since time is a major focus of the Impossible Times trilogy...

… have some Wobble clocks!

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SPFBO 2018 has a winner!

Many thanks to all 10 blogs for their judging skills and numerous reviews (literally hundreds), and to the 300 authors taking part this year.

Congratulations to J.Zachary Pike with his record equalling score, and to Barabara Kloss and Devin Madson in 2nd and 3rd place with the highest runner up scores we've seen so far!


Here's Zack with his prestigious SPFBO Selfie-Stick.

Check out the official Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off page for more info!

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Friday 24 May 2019

Prince of Thorns goes to Georgia!

This is the cover art by Nativillie.

You will of course need no reminding where Georgia is...

...or what Prince of Thorns' 25 language looks like:

წინამდებარე ელექტრონული მიმოწერა შესაძლოა შეიცავდეს კონფიდენციალურ ინფორმაციას, შესაბამისად, გამომგზავნის წერილობითი თანხმობის გარეშე, ამ გზით მიღებული ინფორმაციის გამოყენება/კოპირება/გასაჯაროება აკრძალულია. თუ თქვენ არ ხართ წინამდებარე გზავნილის კანონიერი მიმღები/ადრესატი, გთხოვთ, აცნობოთ გამომგზავნს ამის შესახებ და შემდგომ წაშალოთ