Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I started writing Prince of Thorns 10 years ago!

click image to see detail

That's my blog post really... an infographic and the observation that I started Prince of Thorns 10 years and one month ago and finished it in 2006. If I had thought anyone would be interested I could have taken two weeks and finished it in 2005... In any event, 98% of the words you read in Prince of Thorns were in the version finished in 2006... then I sat on it for just over 3 years.


  1. Wow. That's some scary timeline.

  2. Very poignant, Mark. Thanks for sharing that. I think having followers - or believing you have followers - might have made the difference to you in those 3 years; but your mileage may vary. If I believe my actions can impact someone else I tend to have greater impetus. I am what they used to call "company man" before society of the spectacle took real hold with technology so I may be talking square peg in round hole again. Awkward me on social media. I am glad you published!

  3. "An overnight 10 year success". This is not as uncommon a story as people might think. You have been building Jorg a long time. (Most people would have written lots of trunk novels in those ten years.)

  4. It's good to know that it is OK to spend 3 years on a book. I've spent just over that length on my novel in progress. How do you manage to write an entire novel in less than half a year?

  5. Love what you done between 2011/12. VERY productive work there with the internet :)

  6. Ridiculously impressive! Two incredible books written in 1 year. Wow! What's Price of Fools about? Not finished Emperor of Thorns so if I need to finish this before knowing then don't tell me.

  7. Killer books man! Some of the best I've read in awhile. The scene with the dog is still the most horrific I've read in awhile

  8. Nothing like dicking about on the internet. I'm doing it right now!
