Monday 1 August 2016

Prince of Thorns at 5!

Prince of Thorns is 5 years in print!

Check out the fourththirdsecond, and first birthday round-ups. 

I now have 6 books on the shelves!

Being a numbers guy as well as a words guy I like to keep track of things and record them for when I'm a doddery old guy looking back at my 'glory' days.

On Goodreads Prince of Thorns has passed 50,000 ratings!

And Prince of Thorns has broken the 1000 reviews barrier on!
And the blog has broken million views!

And finally my snail's pace conquest of Twitter continues its crawl.

Oh, and my books have now sold over a million copies world wide!


  1. Congrats Mark, I hope to emulate by at least one sixth one of these days! I would say I hope HBO doesn't snap you up and spoil it all...but then again there's so many sections of your books I wish were on the big (or small) screen. Keep up the good work

  2. Congratulations, you deserve all good things for such amazing books!
    Here's to celebrate on the 10th... 15th... 20th and more birthdays, with people still buying and loving them :)
