Tuesday, 17 July 2012

King of Thorns excerpt!

A short non-spoilery King of Thorns excerpt is available on Staffer's Book Review along with a guest blog by me on writing book 2. It's all part of a series of posts on the topic by ten authors who debuted in 2011 and like me are onto their second volume now. Check out the schedule here - I've read Hulick, Mazarkis, Frohock & Schafer all of whom are well worth a look.

And here's the Polish cover for Prince of Thorns. What's a blog post without eye candy?


  1. Hmm, not sure I buy this cover for the novel, but it is eye candy, even if it a bit TOO red. :)

  2. I actually like that cover. Sure, the original makes is better (or I saw it first and fell in love, not sure which) but this is way better than copying it.

    Plus, there are ravens in it. That's gotta be a bonus, right? :)

  3. Love seeing covers from other countries!

    1. whole bunch here for you http://mark---lawrence.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/vive-la-france.html

  4. Man, that cover is awesome!
