Thursday 6 May 2021

SPFBO 2020 has a winner!


(that's my serious "where's YOUR copy?" face)

The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (Spiffbo) 2020 has a winner!

And it's The Lost War by Justin Lee Anderson, which I plan to read it soon. You should too.

Congratulations also to 2nd placed Black Stone Heart. And to 3rd placed Shadow of a Dead God in 3rd place!

Check out the finalists' table for more great books. Or search more widely through the nearly 2000 entries we've had and the many hundreds of reviews.

Here's the book with the FAMOUS selfie-stick award. Hopefully I'll be able to add a selfie of it with Justin here in due course:

And here's the man himself wielding his prize.

Onwards to SPFBO 7!

And we have a range of e-medals now (thanks to Barbara Pickering!).

Join my 3-emails-a-year newsletter #Prizes #FreeContent 

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