Thursday 12 August 2021

Finalists for the 7th SPFBO

 300 contestants have been narrowed to 10 finalists.

Finalists for SPFBO 7

The Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off finalists are listed and scored on this page.

Check out the winner announcement.

The process of selection is documented here.

** = top score blogger awarded

& here they all are "in the flesh", collected and photographed by Kerstin Espinosa Rosero.

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  1. Man, I have followed this contest for many years! It is so fun finding new authors!! Thank you Mr Lawerence, your books are awesome and you organizing this every year...simply grateful!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mark, thanks so much for being a genuine person, father, and author! And thanks for bringing this contest to us year in and year out. So many great authors have gotten exposure over the life of this contest.

    Do you know when the next contest is opening up? If so, where can prospective entrants enter?


  4. Thank you. This is off the world. I am fed up of reading traditional fantasy which has me choking on LGBTQ and Anti-men propanganda , after I have invested 20 hours and money in them. And most fail to entertain.

    This is my page it seems
