Wednesday 11 March 2015

Two great nations divided by a common cover

I'm pleased to present the full version of The Liar's Key cover for the UK, Voyager, edition. Also by Jason Chan. The US one is presented next, then both together with a poll so you can register your opinion. The art without the title/author is presented at the bottom.

Why are there two covers?

Voyager / UK cover

Ace / US cover

After 143 votes 81% of Brits, 59% of Americans, and 72% of everyone else prefers the UK cover.
(36% of voters were Brits(&Australians&NewZealanders), 34% Americans(&Canadians), and 30% 'others')

The rough versions.

The Liar's Key, UK (no lettering)


  1. I am a little OC when it comes to covers and I think I am sad since the two versions deviated from their predecessors. But for what they're worth I need to love them just because Jason Chan did some fantastic job twice over. But then I have to give the UK edition more credit (going for the red tone once again)!

  2. Love the UK cover because it will match prince of fools but not broken empire on my shelf (I've all white softcovers). Shame the font from the US broken empire is gone, I quite liked it.

    Verdict: UK hands down. (From Aus)

  3. I like the uk cover best because I'm not a fan of faces on the cover. And I love the red!

  4. UK cover because no face, the hair I always imagined, and the really nice contrast with the red (after all, it's the Red Queen's War trilogy, right?) but the lettering for the title is better on the US version.

  5. Really loving the UK edition!
