Tuesday 2 May 2023

The 8th SPFBO champion has been chosen!

 The 8th annual Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off is over!

After 11 months of hard labour by ten wonderful blogs, 300 books were whittled down to 10 finalists and then to 1 champion. 

And here it is!

And again, in the traditional pose, flanked by the # owls and with the magnificent SPFBO Selfie-Stick award at its feet.

Please check out the finalists' score-board. It was the tightest contest we've ever had and there will be something you'll enjoy here.

And if you have a self-published fantasy book of your own, the next contest - the 9th annual SPFBO, opens its doors to contestants in 12 days. Take a look!

1 comment:

  1. A worthy winner. This contest gets better and better every year.
