Tuesday 26 May 2020

SPFBO 6 Cover Contest

Each year I run a cover contest for the SPFBO entrants. Each blog chooses its 3 favourite covers from their pool of 30 entrants. The 30 favourites collected from the 10 blogs are then voted on in separate ballots by the bloggers and by the public.

The public vote is of course a bit of fun and subject to all the issues of brigading and cheating that online polls often are - though our anti-cheat software is more effective than the raw poll results might lead you to believe.

We did this in 201920182017 & 2016 too.

The judges' cover champions!

Gold Medal!
9 votes

Cover by Damonza

Silver Medal
7 votes

Artist: Jenny Zemanck

Bronze Medal
6 votes

Artist: Amir Zand

3 votes:
2 votes:

1 vote:

Winners of the public poll:


Cover by Damonza


Artist: Pen Astridge


ArtistJenny Zemanck


Fantasy Book Critic

Lynn's Book Blog


Kitty G

Weatherwax Report

The Fantasy Hive

Rockstarlit Book Asylum

The Critiquing Chemist

The Fantasy Inn

Note, the poll linked below has anti-cheat software that generates reports which will be taken into consideration at the end of polling.

Vote for as many covers as you like - more than one would be good.


  1. Those all look great. I wouldn't be able to decide.

  2. A lot of great covers this year!

  3. OMIGOSH...so hard to decide! So many great covers 😍

  4. As someone who has purchase books based solely on its covers and have purchased art from artist who have drawn them, I am sort of an expert. I found 8 that fired me up. So congrats to all the artist involved. I have already purchased a few of the books.
