Tuesday 20 December 2016

A Year in Numbers ... Six!

So following on from similar posts at the same time in 2015201420132012 and 2011 I record a year of ups and less ups. I take a minute to do the sums and raid the scrapbook.

It's been a very good 2016 all told!

High points include the release of The Wheel of Osheim. The Wheel of Osheim turned out to be my sixth book in a row to make the Goodreads Choice Award semi-final (albeit on a write-in, thanks readers!). Another very high point was when The Liar's Key won the Gemmell Legend Award!

My agent, Ian Drury, delivered my second Legend Award!

Book number 6, trilogy number 2 complete.

And, thanks to the marvels of a daily kindle deal Prince of Thorns got to return to the UK fantasy top spot in its sixth year.

The Broken Empire special edition omnibus has been delivered and is being shipped out to readers as I type. Readers are reporting arrivals already. I am told the lettered edition is done but waiting on delivery of the slip cases before it can be shipped out.

(Shawn Speakman with the first copy out of the box!)

This year I started to write and advise on an online multi-player game for Xbox! Can't share more than that for now.

Progress on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse card game has been frustratingly slow but the project now seems close to completion. Since I have no official role in the project (the money and responsibility went to Ragnarok) I haven't been able affect the schedule other than by being sure to supply anything I'm asked for in a timely manner.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics to follow:

Prince of Thorns got its 50,000th Goodreads rating this year, and I sold my 1,000,000th book in English in 2016. I finished writing the Book of the Ancestor trilogy, and the first book, Red Sister, comes out in April 2017.

I now have almost 150,000 Goodreads ratings and over 350,000 'books added'! The numbers boggle my mind.

I also established a rule of thumb linking Goodreads ratings to sales, which tells me that in addition to breaking the "million books sold" barrier earlier this year, I have now sold 1.1 million books in English! 

I'm slimming Amazon stats down to the first and latest book. This year Prince of Thorns broke the 1,000 reviews barrier on Amazon.com!

The blog had its 1.5 millionth hit in 2016 and got over 70,000 hits in one month!
I do have to report though that an increasing percentage of my traffic is Russian spammers/hackers...

Blog traffic since inception.

And finally, Twitter, where at last I broke the 15,000 follower barrier!
My relentless ascent continues and soon I will compete with the Twitter might of minor celebrity's pets' accounts!


  1. I am so happy for you, your writing deserves all the attention the world can give and more.

  2. Mark this is stunning. You truly deserve all the acclaim you've worked and continue to work so hard for!
    Keeping track of your projects is almost as bad as Sanderson but much more personable.
    Glad to have watched your efforts from the start.
